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Wexford & Antwerpen

Why I built a new agricultural show management system on wordpress

March 5, 2022 In Design News

Most websites in the world are built on wordpress and it is already a well known web building framework that most people feel confident to build their business on and with very little knowledge can easily find information online to fix any problem.

Let’s summaries the tech part first. I utilised wordpress to manage all the complex interactions between competitors and competitions by building our own theme and plugin to work with woocommerce so that competitors can easily enter competitions and in the back end the show coordinator can allocate winnings to the competitor or send them exhibit numbers include them in a show catalogue and instantly publish winners and schedules PDFs as well as print notification letters with address labels. Because it is built on a wordpress multisite we can easily create and setup new accounts within an hour.

Check it our here:

A paragraph about agricultural shows for the uninformed.. Each year agricultural communities meet to show off their produce and animals in a festival atmosphere where they can enter hundreds of competitions ranging from Eggs to show jumping. These shows attract thousands of entries each year and takes a massive amount of time and organisation from mainly a small group of volunteers. Our system helps them manage the show with ease.

So why wordpress ? Previously I built PHP web apps to do the same job. Which sounds great but the main problem with these is that ‘time marches on’ and technologies change and they need to be updated to secure your system, this makes your system more expensive to run and that expense gets passed on to the user and when you are a primarily volunteer society saving money is a priority.

WordPress updates itself automatically and without us having to change our code. That way user accounts are safe and less prone to breaking. Choosing to host the system ourselves as opposed to integrating the system into an existing website is what makes sign up so fast. By centralising our system it gives us more control when it the system actually does need an upgrade or we add a new feature, so instead of trying to implement new features on web apps installed on numerous servers all accounts get updated in on action.

The advantages of building our app on wordpress

  • Updates automatically and secures the system.
  • Create new accounts instantly
  • Centralised hosting enables for unilateral upgrades.
  • Built in Page editor
  • Easily Expand our App with new plugins or theme
  • Build in Mobile first frameworks
  • Utilise powerful Plugins like woocommerce
  • Universal knowledge online for wordpress

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