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Wexford & Antwerpen

Case Study: Pyramidon

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Flexible design and technical support

Having someone who knows the underlying technology is a real boon, allowing us to focus on building a great site rather than, for example, how to upload the files to the hosting service.


And for the front-end design, David was very flexible, taking all our requests onboard and developing creative solutions to help us achieve the look-and-feel we wanted.


Since helping us with our website, David had also partnered with us to help build websites for some of our clients.

Project Outline

The goal was to redesign the website to reflect a forward thinking company appealing to tech professionals so that they would feel at home while reviewing their unique style of tech copy writing.

The initial site was a wordpress site but the blog part was hosted in hubspot so a part of the brief was to export all 400+ blog posts from hubspot (they don’t make it easy) , redirect all their URLs while keeping their assigned authors on meta details.

It’s a bit of a challenge to export blog pages from Hubspot because they only allow you to download html pages of each blog post. However I was able to utilise the RSS feed to generate new blog pages on a fresh wordpress install, saving a lot of time. The images had to replace manually but I was able to make a quick job of it by replacing the hubspot url string.

Once I had the technical part sorted it was time to figure out how to deliver the message by developing prototypes, and variations.

High Fidelity Prototypes


Inspired by the Books in the Harry Potter Films . Cinemagraphs are “living” photographs: a mix of static image and video, looped infinitely without any visible breaks or edits. …

There’s a certain amount nerd appeal with cinemagraphs that resonates with science minded people.


Putting it all together

They were very happy with the final result especially with all the positive comments about the web design. All of their original URLs and content is still intact with practically zero effect on SEO. For a company who primarily relies on networking to generate new leads, they now have a great online experience for any prospective client.

Additional upgrades were made for speed optimisation, website hosting, DNS alteration and SSL certificate installation.

View the finished site

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